please inspect your purchase immediately upon delivery. if there is a problem with your order, email us at within three (3) days of receipt. if you receive a damaged, defective or incorrect item, we will work with you to make things right.
once an item has shipped, cancellation is not possible. art, custom and special order items cannot be cancelled. the following are final sale, and not eligible for refunds or exchanges: books, art, custom orders, and sale items.
you will be responsible for outbound and return shipping and delivery charges. a traceable return shipping method is required (FedEx, UPS, etc). returns must be received in original condition and in the original packaging within 30 days. credit card orders will receive refunds in the form of a credit back to the original account. shipping and delivery service charges are not refundable.
to make a return, contact our customer service team at: you must include your order number, prepay the postage, and insure each package.
requests for price adjustments will be honored if the merchandise was purchased at full price and if it is marked down within 14 days of receipt of your package. In the event you have any problem or concern with an order we will connect you with our knowledgeable staff to ensure the issue is resolved to the best of our ability.